T.C. Mİllî Eğİtİm BakanlIğI
İSTANBUL / FATİH - İstanbul Recep Tayyip Erdoğan Anadolu İmam Hatip Lisesi




Why do we need this project?

The world is a field of examination and a place of striving. The truth is that there are naturally bad things in life such as human deaths like all beings deaths in the universe, natural disasters, ilnesses and other calamities.

However the world is realm of wisdom, indeed. Nothing is meaningless. If our beliefs are based on Qur’an perspectives, our glasses or our belief window will allow us to see hidden reasons and find the lights behind the darkness.

A person who sees the good aspects of things whether they look bad has good thoughts and he who has good thoughts receives pleasure from life. “What you see is what you get or what you see is what you are.” is a famous saying. What gives life to people is hope, what harms and ruin them is despair.

What is the purpose?

In this project, we have read this kind of books which tell the reason behind all confusing life questions. Our point of view, opinions, feelings are affected when they search and find the secrets in these books which are an explanation of Qur’an. Looking at the things through the spectacles of belief our minds, hearts and souls relief.

Here is the link of our project promotion video: https://youtu.be/ParlYXd7Lls

Who is in this project?

English teacher Naşide Bozkaya is the coordinator of the project and our main members are Hacı Ömer Gündoğdu, Emirhan Hastürk, Ömer Yiğit Çoban, Melih Yahya Eracun, Eymen Öksüz, Enes Yaser Tülay and supporting members are Berat Cesur, Muhammed Taha Örnek and M.Zahid Öztorun.

Let's see our project members: https://youtu.be/bUHkSb-KJic

We have partners from Georgia and different cities around Turkey such as Kayseri, Bursa, Ordu etc.

How did we manage our project?

We chose the books we would read which are related to the truths of belief. We had weekly meetings with the members where we made a conversation about the books that we had read before. We often contacted with our partners to share our opinions and all works. This project approximately lasted 5 months.


undefined1st month: 10 students who were volunteer to join the project were selected. We created an account on Instagram and shared all of our works on this platform every month.

Check our account on instagram: https://www.instagram.com/letsputonourbeliefeyeglasses/

Firstly, the book named “belief and man” was read. At the end of the duration, students shared their opinions and feelings with the partners on a meeting which was held on zoom. Posters, logos and aphorisms were prepared and shared on the school bulletin boards and the ones created in Canva was shared on instagram.

Here is the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bpDJd7tiDX8



2nd Month: “The fruits of belief” was read. Students made a short presentation in the conferance hall explaining their feelings and opinions about the book comparing their background knowledge. The presentation were shared on instagram and youTube.undefined

To watch the presentation video on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hjDIsdsAzOs

3rd Month: “The short words “ was read, one of the first 8 words (parts) of the book was acted as a sketch by formed groups by students. Videos and photos were shared on Instagram and youTube.

To watch the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sjLQ_V3bQEU



As a collobrative and final product;

- 3D museum was created on ArtSteps with the partners.

Visit our 3D museum : https://www.artsteps.com/view/646f53e20db430887c64c719

At the end of the project;

- Project check-in activities were made on Mentimeter.

- There was a zoom meeting with partners to exchange ideas.

- A party for completion of project was organized.

Who do we recommend you to join us?

These books help you look all the events positively, put into perspectives of the things that look meaningless and find out the secrets of life and make you happy.

You will develop your English speaking, listening, reading and vocabulary skills through fun spending your time with your friends and socialize through the drama.

You will be able to use Web 2.0 tools such as Canva, Mentimeter, Artsteps, Social Media Platforms

So, we would be pleased to see you among us!

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Yayın: 27.06.2023 - Güncelleme: 19.10.2023 16:37 - Görüntülenme: 759
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